OD for Life

We are organizational development practitioners.
We are learning and leadership development consultants.
We are coaches and facilitators.
And we are people of all backgrounds and abilities who share a sense that something profoundly different is needed wherever people gather in shared purpose and collective action.

This is our "maniflexo."
Throughout 2021 and 2022, a group of passionate, concerned people gathered online and in person to ask:
What is our responsibility as OD practitioners in confronting the crises we face as a planet?
Which unique gifts do we have to offer to the biggest questions of our time?
How do we take a stand as individuals and organisations to act for the good of the whole?
The words on this page are the answers we discerned together. This is a living, evolving document, and so we think of it as our maniflexo.
We hope you will join us in our ongoing commitment and learning. This conversation needs diverse perspectives and contributions if we are to find our way to wisdom. And we are going to need each other if we are to find the courage to do what is truly needed.

For too long and with too much harm, human organizing has been guided by principles of efficiency more than effectiveness. Of speed and scale at all costs. Of extraction rather than empathy. And of domination and disdain for the human spirit. The outcome is toxic workplaces and devastated ecosystems. It is rising addictions and despair. It is divided and depleted communities. And it is the looming threat of civilizational collapse.
With this declaration, we are stepping forward together in courage, humility and care because we recognize that we have an essential role to play in the changes humanity needs to make.

in how we use
the core skills of our work:
Helping people join together in service of something bigger than themselves.
Enabling ongoing leadership and learning.
Facilitating collaboration and new possibility. ​
Equipping people and organizations for meaningful change.

to what end we do these things.
if we stop short of what is truly needed.
And so we choose to be guided by a narrative that says:
what we are developing in our organizational development work is life’s ability to thrive.
Our lives, the life of our organizations and communities, life within the more-than-human community.
This, above all else, must be at the center of our every engagement and every conversation.
Through our projects and our clients,
our actions ripple out across the world.
This vast sphere of influence gives us
enormous responsibility as practitioners,
as a field, and as human beings.

Therefore, we dedicate ourselves to making that ripple
a tidal wave of thriving and integrity
that responds to the true level of crisis at hand
and the full depth of care in our hearts.

We have many questions about
what this will look like and what it will take.
Already, we are confronted by paradoxes
and by the shadow parts of ourselves and our profession.
But one thing is clear:
by committing also to each other,
we will find our way
into the learning and the transformation
that are needed.
Together, we are nourished with
a deep sense of hope and belonging.
We are the ones we have been waiting for.

Ana Arrabé
Walter Bertolini
Monica Boos
Stefan Faatz-Ferstl
Alexander Evatt
Ramona Fricke
Onno Geveke
The Netherlands
Javier Gras
Joeri Kabalt
The Netherlands
Michelle Holliday
Din van Helden
Claudia Gross
Alice Hahn
United States
Janet Frood
Dorothe Liebig
Diane van Marrewijk
The Netherlands
Dave Pendle
The Netherlands
Andres Roberts
United Kingdom
Tom Mansfield
United Kingdom
Marc van Roon
The Netherlands
Katherine Long
United Kingdom
Matthijs Schilder
Margriet Schut
The Netherlands
Cees Sprenger
The Netherlands
Priscilla Verwoert
The Netherlands
Anne Weber Carlsen
Nina Thüllen
Ways we are living out this commitment together

Stewarding different forms of 'knowledge'
gathering and exploring principles, frameworks, methods, and practical stories, as well as experiences of nature and our own bodies
Learning as a community
connecting through a newsletter, a LinkedIn group and physical and online convenings, as well as an online community platform for those who have participated in an in-person gathering
Strengthening the ability to respond to what's needed
taking action through inquiry, forming an informal incubator together that leads to courageous action
Coming Up Next
We hope you will join us at one of these upcoming events.
- Tue, Feb 25Zoom
- Wed, May 07Wir Bauen Zukunft (Nothern Germany)
- Wed, Oct 22To be determined

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