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Why is this needed?

In place of a story of extraction, we need a new story of progress that cultivates resilience, connection, regeneration and care. 

We need to explore and challenge what we are “developing” with our organisational and leadership development work, and why.

And we need to articulate the leadership that is truly needed in these times. 


To respond to these needs, we believe there are critical tensions and dynamics we'll have to work through together, as a field: 


  • How will we navigate the line between the ethics of our profession and the ethics of life’s continued viability? 

  • What changes when we acknowledge that life hangs in the balance and that we may have a vital role to play in turning things around? 

  • Are we asking big enough questions of our clients? And if not, are we complicit in the dynamics that threaten human civilization? 

  • What does it look like to take a stand? And what will help us find the courage to do so? 


This is why we are gathering as a movement, to help identify wise action and to support each other in moving in that direction.

The story of this work

This initiative first began to take root in 2019 within the Bio-Leadership Project, as process facilitators and nature guides Din van Helden, Joeri Kabalt and Andres Roberts conducted a series of interviews around development, responsibility and nature. 

Then, through 2020 and early 2021, the three of us went on to host a series of 'Inquiry Circles.' Each featured a special guest sharing stories and dilemmas, with space for participants to explore, in a safe and supportive way, what those stories meant to them. All of the Inquiry Circles centered on this question: 


How do we change the story of human progress,
to care for all of life, from within the field of OD? 


Inspired by what we were hearing and sensing, the natural next step was the initiation of this 'hive' for helping our field take necessary action, together. We were excited to be joined by Michelle Holliday, who brings a deep understanding of organisational 'thrivability.' 

Then in May 2022, two dozen people gathered for two days deep in the Dutch countryside to discern what was needed to move our inquiry forward as a movement. The conversation has continued in the months since then, resulting in the maniflexo presented here. â€‹


We are excited to see how the journey will evolve from here!

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