OD for Life
Action Inquiry: Our work of hospicing and composting (2/3)
Tue, Nov 14
2nd call: Observations from organisations
Time & Location
Nov 14, 2023, 7:00 p.m. GMT+1 – Nov 15, 2023, 8:30 p.m. GMT+1
About the event
What is the work of hospicing and composting? Series of 3 conversations for OD practitioners, regeneratives, coaches...
Different complexity models, such as the Berkana Two Loops model highlight the inevitability for systems to undergo decline – and ideally to ‘compost’ i.e. to release anything that can be usefully broken down and re-integrated into new emerging systems. Yet, as OD and regenerative practitioners, do we understand enough about the hospicing and composting work that is needed to support this critical transition? How well are we managing that letting go process for ourselves in our own lives? Where does healing fit in with that?
Katherine Long, Monica Boos, Dorothe Liebig and Erica Neve, all members of OD for life community, are hosting a series of conversations exploring:
- What is our own experience of ‘hospicing’ in our own lives that we draw from?
- What is our experience of helping organisations to recognise when they can let go?
- What promising practices are emerging for OD and regenerative practitioners in this space?
These co-inquiry sessions are offered for free.
The 1st Session on 24th of October was starting with the Self
Your welcome to register for the up-coming calls:
Session 2: Observations from organisations 14th November 18.00-19.30 UK time / UTC
Session 3: Promising practices for Organisation Development 5th December 18.00-19.30 UK time / UTC
Version of Berkana Two Loops model highlighting stages of transition from the dominant towards the emergent system.
#change #transition #hospicing #composting #death #emergence #livingsystemsdesign #naturebased #organisationdevelopment #doula #elders #elderhood #eldership #regenerative #healing